[PROJECT] Good luck, Je Suho: International Foodtruck Support for Ryu Jun Yeol

Hello everyone!
This is Eyes On RYU!

Ryu Jun Yeol's latest project is MBC's <Lucky Romance>!
For this drama, we would like to send our support to him through a food truck support!

Please take some moments to read about our project! ^^
You can also go to our project's website: http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/lucky ^^

Let's be a source of strength to him to the rest of the Lucky Romance team!
You can donate through the following fanbases or directly donate to Eyes On RYU!

Thank you for your interest, love, and support for Ryu Jun Yeol and for Eyes on RYU!
Let's support Ryu Jun Yeol together!

With love,
Eyes on RYU!

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