[PROJECT] With Love, For Love - International Fan Project for Ryu Jun Yeol

Hello everyone!
This is Eyes On RYU!

For Ryu Jun Yeol's first fanmeeting in Seoul this April 2, 2016, we are giving his international fans a chance to support him even from afar.

Please take some moments to read about our project! ^^
You can also go to our project's website: http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/withlove

You can donate and send messages for him to let him know how much Junyeol means to you!
Please take note of the deadlines, and if you have other questions, don't hesitate to email us at eyesonryu [at] gmail.com :)

Thank you for your interest, love, and support for Ryu Jun Yeol and for Eyes on RYU!
Let's support Ryu Jun Yeol together!

With love,
Eyes on RYU!

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